Wednesday, 19 March 2014


YouTube is blocked in Pakistan for many months now and it looks like that Government has not taken any step to unblock it a recent future. Lots of people email me that they are enable tounblock YouTube in Pakistan
This trick is specially for PTCL but you can also try this on other ISP networks. Just follow the simple steps below.
1. Just go to your network connection properties and double click on internet protocol (TCP/IP) and add/change your primary DNS to Google DNS( and secondary DNS to ( After that click OK button to save the settings.
2. Now you have to open the secure connection of YouTube with https. Open it will take a time to open in first time so have some patience, then in order to use YouTube fully , you need to login into your Gmail account associated with YouTube.
3. Login to your YouTube account and then start watching videos , it should work fine and you can download videos too using Internet Download manager.
4. So this is the method which works for me on both PTCL and Wi-tribe so lets see that if it works for you or not. Please tell me about your result via comments below.